
Here you can view some of our Achievements


Avinash Krishnan (Director) represented A Rocha India at the COP 26, 2021 forum In Canada
Avinash Krishnan (Director) was nominated to the IUCN Asian Elephant Specialist Group due to his long-standing work in the Eastern Ghats landscape.
A Rocha India in collaboration with the Karnataka Forest Department showcased Bannerghatta National Park’s conservation efforts for the G20 summit held in India, 2023.
Successfully reducing human and elephant mortalities in road collisions within the Eastern and Western Ghats landscape using technology-based approaches.

Conservation Impact

Our 285-kilometer elephant-proof barrier along the perimeter of Bannerghatta National Park reduced crop damage in villages by almost 50%. We monitor the elephant proof barriers regularly, reporting on their status to management. This ensures that the barriers are maintained in a proper manner and continue to do their job.

Studying and monitoring the Asian elephant population for 3 generations 

Contributions to management

A Rocha India has drafted two five-year management plans for the Bannerghatta National Park for the years 2017 to 2022 and 2022 to 2027, in collaboration with the Karnataka Forest Department.

The first ever field guide to the mammals of Bannerghatta is a collaborative effort between the Karnataka Forest Department and A Rocha India, the book highlights the importance of the terrestrial mammalian community obtained from camera trap research for a period of 5 years.


Bangalore 4 Bannerghatta: We are grateful for a community of over 400 enthusiastic and passionate volunteers who feel as strongly about the cause of conservation as we do. People from across the city of Bangalore and the country have continued to follow our work and contribute toawards the cause. This has snowballed into a movement that we like to call the ‘B4B’ – Bangaloreans for Bannerghatta. A collective which brings individuals and institutions together to solve conservation challenges via research, education, outreach, and awareness, while also strengthening communities and citizens through collaborative action and leadership. Successfully branding Bannerghatta NP under the banner of ‘Breathing for Bangalore’, the passion of our volunteers is palpable through this initiative!

Our short feature documentary, which was shot over the course of two months at the peak of crop-raiding, blends live action video with interviews to illustrate the harsh reality that Bannerghatta National Park’s elephants face when they leave the protected regions.

Movie –Driving elephants 

Articles -Mentioned in the A Rocha International website 

Driving elephants

India and the covid crisis

Elephant and human mortality

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